Example Usage

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> This is dlnm 2.4.7. For details: help(dlnm) and vignette('dlnmOverview').

Suppose we have the following data, where lags 0 through 9 are the values of some exposure experienced 0 to 9 days before the outcome y.

#> # A tibble: 100 × 11
#>       lag0   lag1   lag2   lag3   lag4   lag5   lag6   lag7   lag8   lag9     y
#>      <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1  0.0608  0.309  1.29   1.29   0.782 -0.482 -0.886 -1.93  -1.57  -1.48   49.1
#>  2  0.977   0.468 -0.480 -0.993 -0.483 -1.10  -2.97  -1.94  -3.00  -3.58   65.3
#>  3 -2.14   -1.60  -1.10  -1.06  -1.26  -0.357 -1.40  -2.13  -3.20  -3.55   57.7
#>  4  1.54    1.91   2.28   3.01   3.84   4.64   4.19   5.73   5.20   6.07   51.9
#>  5 -0.0265  0.679 -0.100  1.63   3.12   3.33   3.83   3.82   2.35   0.195  48.4
#>  6  0.454  -1.18  -1.79  -2.54  -3.46  -2.51  -1.93  -2.42  -3.52  -3.36   47.1
#>  7  1.34    1.46   1.66   1.60   2.33   2.99   2.51   1.80   2.80   0.647  77.7
#>  8 -0.480   1.61   2.55   3.04   2.95   2.20   2.14   2.81   4.10   4.31   69.3
#>  9  0.921   1.26   0.229  2.78   2.26   1.51   4.18   5.91   6.45   6.97   62.0
#> 10  0.599   0.442  0.534 -2.74  -2.61  -1.16   0.741  0.433 -0.918 -2.88   54.3
#> # ℹ 90 more rows

First, use the dlnm package to fit a distributed lag model. We create the crossbasis, fit the model, and create the crosspred object. (For more info, see https://github.com/gasparrini/dlnm).

Q <- dplyr::select(d, lag0:lag9)

cb <- dlnm::crossbasis(Q, lag=9,
mod <- lm(y ~ cb, data=d)
cpred <- dlnm::crosspred(cb, mod, at=1, cumul = TRUE)

Then use tidydlnm to obtain more tidyverse-friendly output and plots.

Effect estimates at each lag

lag_fits <- tidy_lag_fits(cpred)

Estimated effect over all lags

#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#>   estimate    se ci_lower ci_upper
#>      <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1     4.63 0.720     3.22     6.04

Cumulative effect estimates at each lag

cumul_fits <- tidy_cumul_fits(cpred)

Add optional shading to plot of estimates at each lag with the shading argument.

tidy_lag_plot(lag_fits, shading = T)
#> Warning: Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.
#> Unknown or uninitialised column: `signSum`.

Note that the same plotting function can be used to plot the cumulative estimates. Also, since this is a ggplot object, the plot can be customized as any other ggplot.


tidy_lag_plot(cumul_fits) +
  ylab("Estimate") +

For a summary of specific windows of association identified by the model, use tidy_window_summary().

#> # A tibble: 1 × 9
#>   window_id min_lag max_lag window_len max_estimate    se ci_lower ci_upper
#>       <dbl>   <int>   <int>      <dbl>        <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1         1       0       7          8        0.938 0.291    0.367     1.51
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: lag <int>