addr - Clean, Parse, Harmonize, Match, and Geocode Messy Real-World Addresses
Addresses that were not validated at the time of collection are often heterogenously formatted, making them difficult to compare or link to other sets of addresses. The addr package is designed to clean character strings of addresses, use the `usaddress` library to tag address components, and paste together select components to create a normalized address. Normalized addresses can be hashed to create hashdresses that can be used to merge with other sets of addresses.
Last updated 5 months ago
4.70 score 2 stars 388 scriptscodec - Community Data Explorer for Cincinnati
This repository serves as the definition of the CoDEC data specifications and provides helpers to create, validate, release, and read CoDEC data.
Last updated 1 months ago
4.15 score 4 stars 27 scriptscincy - Cincinnati Neighborhood, Tract, County, and ZIP Code Geographies
Provide simple feature (sf) objects for Cincinnati neighborhood, tract, county, and ZIP code geographies.
Last updated 1 years ago
1.74 score 11 scripts